• emb.jardim31@gmail.com
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Este estudo foi financiado pela Agência Francesa de Desenvolvimento através de um contrato-quadro gerido pela Expertise France e executado pelo Consórcio SOFRECO  -ENERGIA 2050 - FCGInternational - ANZDEC. As opiniões expressassão as dos consultores e não representam de forma alguma o ponto de vista oficial da AFD. Project Details

African Common Strategy on combatting iwt

African Common Strategy on Combatting Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade in Wild Flora and Fauna in Africa Presentation by the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture 22 March 2016, AUC HQ. BACKGROUND The AU Decision EX.CL/ Dec.832 (XXV)  June 2014, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea International Conference on Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade of Wild Fauna and

Environment and Sustainability

Renewable Energy

Environment and Climate Change

Ecosystems, Forests and Biodiversity Management