Excellencies, members of this illustrious assembly, esteemed participants and guests,
It is with great honor and commitment that we make these notes at this important event, in which we will have the opportunity to discuss vital topics for the sustainable future of Africa and, by extension, our planet.
Our governments have been particularly committed to reducing emissions, paying more attention to investing in clean technologies and sustainable agricultural practices, which have contributed to preserving the environment and building a more resilient future. We are aware, however, that this is a long process and that we still have a long way to go, and it is at events like these that we intend to collect contributions that can speed up the process.
For our countries, agriculture is not just a means of subsistence. It is also, and above all, a vital source of jobs. By investing in sustainable agricultural practices, we are promoting economic growth and preserving the environment for future generations.
Because we recognize the critical importance of soil, we have sought to invest in agricultural techniques that promote soil health and sustainability, which is imperative to ensure food security and the preservation of natural resources.
We have also dedicated increasing attention to sustainable projects, however, in this regard, we need greater international collaboration to support and strengthen our initiatives, recognizing the transformative potential they have.
It has been our concern to identify agroecological practices and boost the bioeconomy, essential to guarantee sustainable and ecologically balanced agriculture. To achieve this goal, however, we have invested in the training of local technicians, as only through properly trained and prepared technicians can we stimulate greater awareness of these topics.
Collaboration, however, is the key to the success of this initiative. To this end, we have promoted mechanisms that favor joint projects, boosting innovation and sustainable development across the African continent.
We are aware that prioritizing climate crises is crucial to guaranteeing a sustainable future for our continent and the entire world, and for this reason, we have committed to implementing principles aligned with the Green Deal, in line with the parameters required at international level , a process that also requires a great joint effort to achieve.
I cannot end my intervention without making a brief reference to desertification in Southern Africa, a topic that has led to the implementation of comprehensive strategies to resolve the challenges, allowing us to preserve our ecosystems and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
This concern has motivated increasing attention to the urgent need for an energy transition, and to this end we need investments in clean energy sources to boost sustainable development across the continent.
Our continent is known for being a stage for biodiversity, and for this reason, it has been our concern to promote unique ecosystems, recognizing the interconnection between biodiversity, agriculture and quality of life.
These actions that I just mentioned have a large social component, having a significant impact on the most vulnerable populations on our continent, ensuring that these populations are protected and empowered. Social and economic justice is fundamental to the success of our efforts.
Therefore, I would like to end by saying that our presence here is above all to ensure solid partnerships, attract investment and share knowledge, thus allowing us to build a future where agriculture is sustainable, resilient and generates prosperity for our populations.
May this event usher in an era of greater collaboration and innovation for the good of SADC, Africa and consequently the entire world.
Thank you very much to all.